Last month we published a new report that demystifies the process of market creation based on our research of 100 market-creating organizations across time, industry, and region. The report explains that while perceptions of risk cause many would-be entrepreneurs and investors to shy away from creating impactful businesses, this narrative is misleading. The encouraging conclusion of our research is that organizations have far more control over their destiny than previously imagined. By understanding how six strategies influence an organization’s activities depending on their circumstance, innovators can—to a large extent—create their own luck.

In our first ever webinar, we provide listeners with an inside look into the research, respond to questions, and share what inspired us to do this research in the first place.

If you couldn’t join us, give it a watch and let us know in the comments what you think. If you like the webinar format, let us know. We want to hear from you.


  • Efosa Ojomo
    Efosa Ojomo

    Efosa Ojomo is a senior research fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, and co-author of The Prosperity Paradox: How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty. Efosa researches, writes, and speaks about ways in which innovation can transform organizations and create inclusive prosperity for many in emerging markets.

  • Lincoln Wilcox
    Lincoln Wilcox