Health Care Research

Our research unveils innovations spurred by shifts in mindsets and strategies to create healthier futures for all.


Why health care?

Nationally, 90% of health care spending is allocated to medical care, yet accounts for only 10-20% of health outcomes. This means the US pays roughly 600% more for medical care than it should. Recent research from the Commonwealth Fund shows that despite spending the highest percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) on health care, the US has the worst outcomes of high-income countries. 

The problem is especially grave for women’s health, as women spend 25% more time in poor health than men. Additionally, women in the US have higher maternal mortality rates than any other wealthy nation. Adding insult to injury, a recent CDC analysis highlighted that 84% of these deaths are preventable. 

Our research tackles these seemingly intractable problems, unveils new insights, shapes industry conversations, and shifts mindsets to create healthier futures for all. We do so through unique frameworks, novel business model compasses, and strategy roadmaps. We study the innovators, so you can be a more effective one.

As the industry consolidates, leaders are trying to evolve from a hospital or health care organization to what the sustainable organization of the future is. This appeals to the C-suite because they must think beyond current markets and how to change. [Ann Somers Hogg’s] case studies are insightful, well-articulated, and detailed.
SVP of Strategy at one of the nation’s largest health care systems
I wanted to write and thank you so very much for your September 2023 paper If Health is Wealth, America’s Working Mothers are Living in Extreme Poverty: A framework for proper diagnosis and effective treatment…As a single physician mom of three boys, your words made me feel heard. Really heard. It described almost everything I’d been experiencing, especially over the last 4 years…While I and many moms across the country don’t need a statement to prove how hard we work for our children, I think those who don’t live our lives do.
Physician leader and professor at a leading health system

Health Care Research Topics

Within health care, theory has identified these specific research areas as currently having disruptive potential:

The challenge

There is widespread recognition that reducing health disparities and improving health outcomes depends on addressing the drivers of health (DOH), such as access and affordability of healthy food, the built environment, social connections, economic stability, and education access and quality. Yet, when we analyzed the health care landscape, we found that the vast majority of today’s organizations can’t successfully and sustainably address DOH to improve people’s lives.

This isn’t because leaders are incapable or unwilling. Most organizations simply don’t have the business models required to make the desired impact. Traditional business models are set up to succeed in the fee-for-service, “sick care” business, not the value-based business of improving health by addressing the root causes of disease.

What we’re finding

As a result, organizations need new business models to address DOH and create better lives for individuals and communities. Based on insights from leading innovators in the field, we created guidance in the form of a business model compass as well as a how-to strategy guide for leaders and innovators seeking to improve health by effectively addressing DOH.

The challenge

Women disproportionately bear the burden of poor physical and mental health, and outcomes are especially poor among mothers. They suffer from mental health, physical health, and negative economic consequences at higher rates than fathers, individuals without children, and the general population. These mounting stressors are getting worse as maternal and infant mortality rates rise and the childcare crisis causes mounting stress.

What we’re finding

There’s a pathway to better outcomes, and it starts with changes in employer policies. Based on our society’s lack of consensus around both the goals of improving maternal health and how to achieve improved health, employers are well poised to lead the way to improvement. And they can do so while improving their own bottom lines. After all, missed days from work for mental distress have an annual price tag of over $47B, in addition to higher health care costs.

The challenge:

Health disparities are the near-term consequences of health inequities. While programs addressing disparities address preventable differences in health outcomes, broader efforts are required to tackle the root cause of inequity. Among these are federal changes to alter the health care system as we know it today. These changes include system redesigns that expand access to care, enhance diversity and cultural competence of providers, ensure accuracy of health data for disadvantaged populations, and enhance investments in public health. Social policy changes are also required, such as initiatives aimed at racial equity, as years of policy choices have led to outcomes such as unequal economic and educational opportunities.

What we’re finding:

Both disparities and inequities are symptoms of centuries-old, societally-engrained socio-economic injustices in the US. While individual organizations have the power to address health disparities, inequities require a higher level of systemic action to reverse. We have seen promising progress in the arena of child welfare, where national financial reform serves as a catalyst to business model change, and ultimately to industry transformation that improves wellbeing.

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