Earlier this year, we launched a new health care podcast: Life-Centered Health Care. A lot of health leaders and innovators talk about “disrupting” health care, but there isn’t widespread understanding of what that really means.

On the podcast, we tackle questions like, “What does disruptive innovation look like in the field?” and “How does one actually do it?”. In each episode, I discuss the application of disruptive innovation along with Christensen’s other theories and their potential to transform our health care ecosystem. 

In this episode, I’m joined by Mini Kahlon, the expert innovator behind Factor Health, a new business model to address the drivers of health (DOH). The DOH play a significant role in health outcomes, yet most existing health care business models are not equipped to address them. In this episode and the one that follows, we explain why a health care entity would, and should, tackle the drivers of health, and how they can go about doing so effectively and sustainably.  Take a listen and you’ll see how you can apply Mini’s lessons learned to your innovation journey.

A summary of Mini’s advice to health innovators:

  • To solve a problem, start with a problem. It sounds obvious, but we don’t do that enough. 
  • Take the perspective of everyone involved in the problem. Don’t average them.
  • Start with the science by identifying the gaps and the questions to be answered. 
  • Connect and collaborate with others.

You can also access the podcast on any of the following platforms: AppleSpotifyAmazon Music, and iHeartRadio


  • Ann Somers Hogg
    Ann Somers Hogg

    Ann Somers Hogg is the director of health care at the Christensen Institute. She focuses on business model innovation and disruption in health care, including how to transform a sick care system to one that values and incentivizes total health.