Submitted by Courtney Caldwell, Teacher/Instructional Coach
Note: The information in this profile represents SY2011-12 unless otherwise indicated.
To see Los Altos School District’s SY2010-11 profile, click here.
School/organization overview
School/organization background
History and context
Los Altos School District has a history of strong performance and tied as the top-scoring district in California on the 2011 Academic Performance Index (API). A strong belief among the district that 21s- century learning and innovation is important to every student’s education motivated the adoption of Khan Academy to supplement existing math curriculum.
In 2010, Los Altos School District worked closely with Khan Academy to launch a pilot program in three 5th grade classes and two 7th grade classes. Students were provided with laptops and worked at their own pace through the Khan Academy math program during designated periods of time during the school day. Teachers and administrators soon noticed increased student engagement, enthusiasm, ownership, and performance.
In the 2011-2012 school year, the program expanded to include all nine schools, all 5th and 6th grade classrooms, and many 7th and 8th grade math classes. Over 1,000 students in Los Altos School District use Khan Academy for math instruction and practice.
During the initial pilot, representatives from the district met every few weeks with Khan Academy to create a very tight design loop to help improve an already tremendous electronic tool. Los Altos School District continues to work closely with the Khan Academy implementation team.
Blended-learning program
Program model
Program model: Station Rotation
Model description
For a fixed amount of time each day, students rotate through Khan Academy Goals, Khan Academy Challenges, and group projects and instruction. Teachers use Khan Academy data to drive instruction and interventions.
Program description
Student experience
On a typical day in a math class, Los Altos students engage in various problem solving activities, collaborate with classmates, interact with the teacher, and have access to Khan Academy practice modules. Teachers vary the structure of their class daily in response to student needs and the day’s objectives.
The Los Altos School District is awaiting the results of a study performed by SRI International during the 2011-2012 school year.
In an effort to create a one-to-one student to device ratio and to provide appropriate teacher training and support in LASD, the Los Altos Educational Foundation has increased their donation level, school PTAs are funding technology upgrades, and Google is committed to donating a significant number of Chromebooks to assist in the effort to support blended learning in Los Altos schools.
Contact information
Name: Courtney Cadwell
Title: Teacher/Instructional Coach