The founders of Innosight Institute spoke at the Forbes Leadership Networks Forum titled America The Innovator: The New Rules of Global Market Growth in Chicago on November 1st, 2007. Clay Christensen keynoted the conference, which was held at The Metropolitan Club. He spoke after Steve Forbes and spoke about 5 things that business schools teach its students that are wrong — and how unlearning those lessons can unlock opportunities for innovation and growth.

Jason Hwang and Michael Horn followed by leading sessions on healthcare and education, respectively. Dr. Hwang’s workshop, Combating the Healthcare Crisis, attracted a large group of the executives in attendance, as he and Mark Johnson, Co-Founder and Chairman of Innosight, presented how businesses could help improve healthcare in the U.S. and how to help make healthcare affordable, rather than just answering the question how can we afford healthcare. The audience was quite engaged as they kept the talk going for well past its scheduled time.

In Horn’s session on education, Improving the U.S. education system, he presented some of his findings on how to improve the public school system, as Christensen joined in as well. There was spirited dialogue among the session’s attendees, and the participants kept the conversation going after the session well into the afternoon.

For more information on the conference, visit:


  • Michael B. Horn
    Michael B. Horn

    Michael B. Horn is Co-Founder, Distinguished Fellow, and Chairman at the Christensen Institute.