Great Oaks Charter Schools

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2013-14 unless otherwise indicated.

Charter Management Organization Overview

Name Great Oaks Charter Schools
Company/organization type Charter Management Organization
Headquarters New York City, New York
Number of schools 2
School locations New York, New Jersey
Grades served 6-12
% FRL Not available
% Black or Hispanic Not available

Charter Management Organization Description

Great Oaks Charter Schools was founded with the purpose of preparing students for college success by providing them with a more personalized learning system. It achieves this through two components. First, it hires a large number of tutors who provide students with at least two hours of one-to-one learning a day. Secondly, it utilizes a personalized, online learning system that allows students to move through material at their own pace.

Blended Schools

RotationGreat Oaks Charter School of New York City 

Contact Information

Name: Michael Thomas Duffy
Title: President
Email[email protected]

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