Cornerstone Charter Schools

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2013-14 unless otherwise indicated.

Charter Management Organization Overview

Name Cornerstone Charter Schools
Company/organization type Charter Management Organization
Headquarters Detroit, Michigan
Number of schools 4
School locations Michigan
Grades served K-12
% FRL Not available
% Black or Hispanic Not available

Charter Management Organization Description

Cornerstone Charter Schools is a Charter Management Organization that focuses on providing a high-tech, engaging learning experience through a range of blended-learning models. It was in the top 15% of Detroit Charter Schools according to the Excellent Schools Detroit 2010 and 2011 School Report Card. Cornerstone Charter Schools originally implemented blended learning as a tool for a remediation, but it has since been implemented across the entire organization, with each school using a slightly different model.

Blended Schools

Lincoln-King Academy
Madison-Carver Academy
Washington-Parks Academy
Cornerstone Health + Technology High School

Contact Information

Name: Thomas Willis
Title: CEO

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