Schools for the Future: Detroit

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2012-13 unless otherwise indicated.

School Overview

Name Schools for the Future: Detroit
School type Public Charter
Charter management organization Schools for the Future Development
Location Detroit, Michigan
Community type Urban
Grades served 8-12
Enrollment 120
% FRL 100%
% Black or Hispanic 95%
Per-pupil funding $10,099
Test scores Not available

School Description

Schools for the Future: Detroit enrolls students about to enter high school (grade 7/8) who are two or more years behind academically. Its instructional program is designed is to graduate 100% of its students, including those furthest behind academically, within five years or less, ready to succeed in post-secondary education/training and careers without the need for college level remediation.

Blended Learning Program

Focus General
Year launched SY2012-13
Enrollment 120
Blended grades 8-12
Blended subjects Math, English Language Arts, History/Social Studies, Science, Foreign Language, Electives
Hardware Laptops: Chrome OS
Curriculum products Agile Mind, Think Through Math, Achieve3000, i-Ready
Student information systems PowerSchool
Learning management systems Canvas
Grading products Canvas
Assessment products ACT Plan and Explore, Achieve3000
Data systems Not available
Professional development products Not available

Program Model

Program Model: Individual Rotation, A La Carte

Model Description
Students progress at their own pace, based on their personalized learning plan, and use an “extended campus” of workshop-based instruction, computer adaptive programs, blended and online courses, and community learning opportunities to meet SFF’s career and college readiness graduation requirements.

Students attend SFF from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. participating in a variety of classes and activities that includes Learning Quests in which students work on self-identified projects of interest and recreation and wellness. Learning takes place in different venues–classes, individual work stations, internships, college campuses, and in the community. Through SFF’s learning management system, students can stay after regular school hours to plug into their personalized learning “playlist” or do the same at home through their mobile device.

Additional Links

Contact Information

Name: Ephraim Weisstein
Title: CEO
Email[email protected]

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