KIPP Chicago Schools

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2013-14 unless otherwise indicated.

Charter Management Organization Overview

Name KIPP Chicago Schools
Company/organization type Charter Management Organization
Headquarters Chicago, Illinois
Year founded 2003
Number of schools 4
School locations Illinois
Grades served K-3, 5-8
% FRL 94%
% Black or Hispanic 100%

Charter Management Organization Description

KIPP Chicago Schools is a charter management organization that operates 4 schools in Chicago. Using extended class days and a mantra that emphasizes commitment to excellence and high expectations, KIPP Chicago Schools is delivering results: 96 percent of its founding class has graduated from high school and 92 percent has matriculated to college.

Blended Schools

KIPP Create College Prep
KIPP Bloom College Prep
KIPP Ascend Middle School
KIPP Ascend Primary

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