Horry County Schools

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2013-14 unless otherwise indicated.

District Overview

Name Horry County Schools
Company/organization type District
Location Conway, South Carolina
Number of schools 51
Grades served K-12
% FRL 85%
% Black or Hispanic 18.7%

District Description

Horry County Schools is the third-largest school district in South Carolina. It serves over 39,000 students in 51 schools around the county. In the fall of 2013 it implemented the iCAN blended-learning program in Whittemore Park Middle School, one of its low-performing schools, in order to improve college readiness and decrease gang violence in the area.

Blended Schools

RotationWhittemore Park Middle School

Contact Information

Website: www.horrycountyschools.net

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