Da Vinci Schools

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2013-14 unless otherwise indicated.

Charter Managment Organization Overview

Name Da Vinci Schools
Company/organization type Charter Management Organization
Headquarters Hawthorne, California
Number of schools 4
School locations California
Grades served K-12
% FRL Not available
% Black or Hispanic Not available

Charter Management Organization Description

Da Vinci Schools began with two charter schools, Da Vinci Design and Da Vinci Science. Since 2009, the organization has expanded to four distinct schools that all maintain the purpose of ensuring a successful transition between secondary school and higher education. The CMO received accreditation in 2010 from WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). In 2013, WASC gave Da Vinci Science and Da Vinci Design its maximum limit for accreditation, six years, revealing the association’s belief in Da Vinci Schools capabilities. The organization also created a  high school/college hybrid school that offers students an optional fifth year of high school and the opportunity to take community college courses during high school.

Blended Schools

Da Vinci Science
Da Vinci Design
Da Vinci Communications
Enriched VirtualDa Vinci Innovation Academy

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