Bret Harte Middle School

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2013-14 unless otherwise indicated.

School Overview

Name Bret Harte Middle School
School type Public
District Oakland Unified School District
Location Oakland, California
Community type Urban
Grades served 6-8
Enrollment 550
% FRL 97%
% Black or Hispanic 69%
Per-pupil funding $11,818
Test scores SY2012-13

School Description

Bret Harte is one of the most diverse schools in the Oakland Unified School District. It recently was reviewed by the OUSD School Quality Review. As a result of the findings from the review, Bret Harte has renewed it’s focus on helping student not only with personalized academic learning, but also with social emotional learning. Bret Harte Middle School is one of eight schools in OUSD that has received a Rogers Foundation grant to pursue a blended learning program.

Blended Learning Program

Focus General
Year launched SY2013-14
Enrollment 500
Blended grades 6-8
Blended subjects Math, ELA
Hardware Desktops: Windows
Laptops: Chrome OS
Curriculum products Khan Academy, Socrative, Mangahigh
Student information systems Aeries SIS
Learning management systems Not available
Grading products Not available
Assessment products EverFi
Data systems Not available
Professional development products Not available

Program Model

Program model: Station Rotation

Model description
Teachers rotate students through two or three stations per class period. Students switch between a personalized online path that aligns with the common core curriculum and time offline. While the teacher supervises students, students may switch from 1-to-1 time to 2-to-1 time or the teacher may pull students for small group instruction.

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