Rocketship Education

Note: The information in this profile represents SY2010-11 unless otherwise indicated. To view Rocketship Education’s profile from SY2012-13, click here.

Charter Management Organization Overview

Name Rocketship Education
Company/organization type Charter Management Organization
Headquarters San Jose, California
Number of schools 10
School locations California, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, D.C.
Grades served K-5
% FRL 87%
% Black or Hispanic 94%

Charter Management Organization Description

In 2006, John Danner, founder and former CEO of NetGravity, and Preston Smith, principal of the highest performing school in San Jose, Calif., founded Rocketship Education (“Rocketship”), a nonprofit charter management organization. They aspire for Rocketship Education to serve one million low-income, urban elementary students across the nation. According to Rocketship, it is the first elementary school blended-learning model. Currently, Rocketship manages three elementary schools in San Jose. The founders plan to expand nationally in 2014.

Blended Schools

San Jose, California
Mateo Sheedy Elementary
Si Se Puede Academy
Los Suenos Academy
Mosaic Elementary
Discovery Prep
Brilliant Minds
Alma Academy
Spark Academy

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Rocketship Southside Community Prep

Nashville, Tennessee
Rocketship Nashville Elementary

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